An estimate of 365 million children's lives is in extreme poverty as reported by Unicef.
Let’s narrow that to 90,000 children in California alone which seems to be the rising state for kids in foster care according to New York Times. Non-profits that cater to underprivileged youth in San Francisco Bay Area have been around as far as temples were set in tribes for communities to help each other. As technology advances, and a demographic of leaders 60 plus of age need services that can help them catch up with new methodologies. Class Consulting Group provides these services while leaders keep focusing on further nurturing the youth of our future.
Leadership & Strategic Planning Services.
It can be hard to refocus and reframe old business ideas into fresh new strategies. Especially for non-profits that have been prominent in time yet need to pivot into a new digital real-estate. Such decision-making and leadership advancements require consulting – we do just that! At Class Consulting Group we believe every child deserves a home and more. To help foster care programs, we provide Strategic Planning services that can impact growth in the areas most needed in an organization.
Layers of Challenges, Plus Impact!
Ongoing challenges for most foster care programs include filling their donations bucket and resource management. Our team dives deep into Research & Analysis for each case scenario and provides Marketing Strategies that can reach donors via both traditional, digital, and social media channels. Yes, we have efficiently reached donors organically on social media without overspending the marketing budget, and simultaneously filling the donor's bucket. For one client, our impact survey reports have shown a 26-50% increase in social traffic attracting 30% individual and corporate donors to the website. There is more, … the report showed a 20% increase in hiring more volunteers via Idealist.com and postings on LinkedIn. We are happy to share the results of our services - the client was able to preserve financial resources for the future, and raised their donations bucket! To launch new changes by setting new goals that lead to successful campaigns, our consultants provide a Strategic Road Map that includes a full narrative on how our team can help your organization make an impact!
Our Support.
As leaders of our communities, it’s urgent to help our youth to be kind, curious, and persevere in the world we live in. At Class Consulting Group, a consultant can help keep track of your business’s progress and results so that leaders can have peace of mind doing what they do best, help find homes for the youth!

About CLASS Consulting Group
The CLASS Consulting Group is a trusted advisor to the board of directors and senior leadership of the bay area nonprofit organizations. A boutique management consulting firm headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area that provides consulting services to members of nonprofit organizations and offers community leadership opportunities to professionals.
Since 2002 CLASS’ volunteers have been assisting, and supporting the communities in which we all live and work. Learn more about our mission and story.